Category: Uncategorized

  • Formal Learning Settings: Kōhanga Reo

    Can formal learning settings empower Māori tamariki? Kia whakatōmuri te haere whakamua: ‘I walk backwards into the future with my eyes fixed on my past’. What is Formal Learning? Formal learning is intentional, structured and often determined by someone other than the learner (Eaton, 2010). A formal approach to learning and teaching typically includes a…

  • Informal Learning Settings: How Important is Learning Through Whānau?

    What is Informal Learning? Informal learning is not confined to institutions or schools and has no formal curriculum (Jones & Brady, 2022). It is life-long learning that is embedded in everyday experiences (Bourke, O’Neill & Loveridge, 2018). Research has found that the majority of learning that occurs for tamariki is through learning from everyday experiences…